Sunday, 3 October 2010

Yes Folks, it's true.
Contrary to popular belief, tobacco grows perfectly well outdoors here in the UK. It has done so for centuries.

It is not illegal to produce your own tobacco and you can grow as much as you like!

As the Depression starts to bite, and you funds are becoming limited, and the government are putting up the prices of your favorite things, what are you going to do??????

Give up smoking????

Start smoking role ups????

And you still can not afford it, due to the greedy government so whats the answer????

Well its simple, a lot of people don't know that growing tobacco is as easy as growing tomatoes, don't believe me then give it a go!!!!

Is it legal in the UK???
Please see side page, it is perfectly legal to grow in the UK and it will grow extremely well in the UK.  12 plants and you will have enough produce to last you a year!!!! if you let the plant we provide you flower and go to seed you will have in excess of over 1000 seeds to last you a life time!!!!

Let me guess........... your not great at growing plants, well problem solved!!!!

We will grow it for you from seed, to a semi matured plant, so all you have to do is water it once a week, and provide the plant with enough space to grow, as they can become extremely large , advised 2ft by 7ft high.
As we all know winter is upon us and you might be thinking that they will not grow in the house, well your wrong they will grow perfectly fine with in a well lit area!!!!

What you will receive is a good quality plant and user manual and an an email address for any extra support you may need.

if you are not 100% happy with your purchase, you will receive a full refund once items have been delivered back to us!!!!!!